Friday, April 11, 2014

Feeling different than everybody else...

Do you ever wonder why you are so different from everybody else? It's a feeling, deeply wedged between your heart and your head, that you just don't fit in. Everybody else is having this connection between themselves, leaving you the outsider, the silent witness.  You probably can't put your finger on exactly how or why you are so different, you just know it.  The truth is, you are different.  You have been deeply hurt, deeply wounded, and that pain within feels like it shows in everything you do or say.  The irony of it is that your difference makes you all the more lovable and likeable, even though you don't realize it at all.  You are special because you have survived.  You are no longer the victim.  You are a survivor.  How does that feel?
Different can be beautiful
We all have our own path to follow
We sometimes feel lost in the woods
We reach out in many directions
We are so complex
We may feel small but we are big of heart
Our journey is filled with mysteries