Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks

How often do you feel gratitude for what you have? Personally, I keep forgetting. I remember all those things I don't have: time, money, a ten-minute ride to work, energy.   Sound familiar? When reading the Celestine Prophecy, I would run into nature (yes, I was running then..), and feel such incredible gratitude to the trees. Gratitude for their beauty, their fortitude to withstand the elements over so many years, the homes they provide for animals, the shade they give to anyone who stops long enough to enjoy it, their colorful leaves in summer and fall. Now, I wonder why I don't give gratitude for the long car ride to work so that I can listen to a book on CD, think deeply, clear my mind.  I wonder why I don't release my focus on time, and both enjoy and appreciate the time I do have.  I wonder why I can't stop thinking about what money can buy for me, when I have so much already to be grateful for.  Why don't I think about the energy I do have, and feel appreciative of my ability to do so much?  So maybe it is time to stop again, notice the trees, appreciate my life. We are so like trees, we human beings.  We live through so many storms that come our way, so many changes that hit us when we least expect them.  We provide shelter, love, and color to those who love us.  It's time for me to begin again to appreciate all the gifts I have been given and to share them with others.  What do you appreciate?

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